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Current criteria for A/Ae and B/Be publication media

To be able to allocate a publication medium to the categories Ae or Be, it has to meet the following criteria: 
  1. Registered in at least one of the following databases: 
  2. Peer reviewing process with at least 3 reviews 
  3. International program committee resp. editorial board 
  4. International dissemination 
  5. Category Ae: For a journal, the most recent impact factor in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR, Science Edition and Social Sciences Edition) of the ISI Web of Knowledge has to be greater than 1 or it has to be ranked A* or A in the most current Australian ERA journal ranking [2]. For a conference, its current acceptance rate has to be less than or equal to 20% or it has to be ranked A in the most current Australian ERA conference ranking [3]. 
  6. Category Be: For a journal, the most recent impact factor in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR, Science Edition and Social Sciences Edition) of the ISI Web of Knowledge has to be greater than 0.5 or it has to be ranked at least B in the most current Australian ERA journal ranking [2]. For a conference, its current acceptance rate has to be less than or equal to 34% or it has to be ranked at least B in the most current Australian ERA conference ranking [3]. 


[1] G. Kotsis, M. Hitz, Klassifikation von Publikationsorganen – ein Beitrag zur Bewertung der Forschungsleistung, Positionspapier ProIT, November 2004 
[2] ERA Ranked Journal List 2010 «» 
[3] ERA Ranked Conference List 2018 «» - please select "Core 2018" in the Source-dropdown. 

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Letzte Änderung: 05.05.2020, 09:20 | 318 Worte